Kelly Chiropractic News
Our latest News, Events & Articles you may like to read
Osteoarthritis – Causes, Symptoms and Management
What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is a condition that causes joints to become painful, stiff and difficult to move. It can affect almost any joint in the body, but osteoarthritis most often causes problems in the [...]
Knee Pain: Treatment and Advice
The knee is the largest and most complex joint in the body, connecting the femur (thigh bone) to the tibia (shin bone). It helps us to stand, move and balance. Knee Anatomy [...]
Is Chiropractic Suitable for Babies, Children and Teenagers?
Chiropractic is a gentle and effective treatment suitable for all ages – babies, children, teenagers and adults. Chiropractic for Babies As part of our assessment of your baby, we [...]
What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a health condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. Currently, over three and a half million people in the UK are living with osteoporosis. Bone is [...]
Am I Too Old for Chiropractic?
As chiropractors, we regularly get asked whether patients are too old to have chiropractic care. The short answer is no - chiropractic is a gentle and effective treatment for all ages and there is no upper [...]
Back Pain and the Workplace
With the summer drawing to a close and most of us back in the work routine, it's a good time to focus on workplace related back pain - what causes it and steps you can take [...]
Sleep Positions
When asleep, we lose conscious control over our body. This can lead to us sleeping in awkward positions, which may cause or aggravate back or neck pain. This, in turn, can result in a restless night’s [...]
Shoulder Pain
As chiropractors, we regularly see people with shoulder problems which often present as pain, weakness, or stiffness in the area. The shoulder is made up of 3 bones: the scapula (shoulder [...]
Neck Pain
As chiropractors, lots of our patients come to see us with neck pain. Neck pain is very common, with studies suggesting that between 40-70% of the UK population are affected at some point in their lives. [...]
Five Top Tips to Look After Your Body When Gardening
Now summer is here, many of us are spending much more time outside, particularly in the garden. Here are our top tips for looking after your body whilst gardening. 1. Start by [...]
Men’s Health Week 12th-18th June 2023
This week is Men's Health Week - a global event, organised by the Men’s Health Forum, which is dedicated to giving all boys and men access to the information, services and treatment they need to live [...]
Our 5 Favourite Exercises to Relieve Back Pain
There are so many different websites out there with hundreds of different back pain exercises! In order to help you find some relief, here are Kelly Chiropractic’s 5 favourites. As always, it’s important to know what’s [...]
Why Does My Back Hurt?
Back pain is common. It is estimated that 60% of adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives but even children can develop back problems. Back pain can be a dull constant ache, or [...]